Alumni Spotlight
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Alumni Spotlight
In this section, we feature Georgetown Debate alumni and their lives/careers since their time on the Hilltop. If you’d like to be featured, please email!

Alumni Spotlight: Tim McRae ’93
Current Occupation: Vice President of External Affairs, California Hydrogen Business Council
Years Debating at Georgetown: 1989-1993
Favorite Memory of Georgetown Debate: Going 8-0 in prelims at Northwestern my junior year to cement our First Round Bid.
How Debate Has Influenced Him: It taught me to think about policy and politics; it gave me structure in my school and personal life; it introduced me to great friends I keep to this day.
Favorite Debate Argument: I thought the arguments we made on the negative on the Privacy topic that the Congress should be the venue to expand rights instead of the Supreme Court were powerful and I have found that to be true in my career since graduating.
Bio: Tim McRae has worked in public policy, largely as a lobbyist on energy and environmental issues, in California. Tim is a graduate of UC Davis Law School and was previously the Senior Vice President for Sustainable Growth at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group.