
Donations support all of the team’s activities, from travel to the summer debate seminars to the tournaments that we host.

Why Give?

Georgetown Debate is primarily self-funded, meaning that gifts from alumni and friends of the program are critical to its activities and growth. Your contributions can help to ensure the continuation of Georgetown’s legacy of excellence in policy debate.

We also hope to expand our partnership with D.C.’s Urban Debate League in order to facilitate access to the benefits of debate for students around the DMV area.

How Do I Contribute?

Click here to make a donation. In the “Designation” field, please select “Other designation” and enter “CSE Policy Debate.” Under “Special Instructions,” please enter “Cost Center 2397 – Policy Debate, Fund 1701, Purpose PP4002.” Your donation is tax deductible.

What Does My Gift Do?

Gifts can be any size! Some examples of what your gift might support:

$100 — dinner for students at a tournament or during pre-season Work Week

$500 — coaching assistance, entry fees, or plane tickets for a tournament

$1,000 — scholarship funds for a student attending the Georgetown Debate Seminar; the average cost of attending a regional tournament

$5,000 — the average cost of attending a major national tournament

$10,000 — support for an assistant coach for the year