Georgetown Debate Finishes Impressive First (Virtual) Semester
Posted in Announcements
Georgetown Debate capped off a strong first semester by closing out the finals of the first-year breakout at the Wake Forest Tournament in November.
Bernard Medeiros and Zidao Wang, co-champions of the first-year breakout division Kieran Lawless and Josh Gavsie, co-champions of the first-year breakout division
A few weeks before that, Bernard and Zidao also reached the quarterfinals of the Gonzaga tournament, placing within the top eight partnerships of a competition with over 100 teams! Bernard also received the 17th speaker award at Gonzaga.
Other notable accomplishments from October:
Sophomores Kelly Anderson and Ethan Greer won the University of Mary Washington tournament, defeating the University of Michigan in the final round, and placed as the fourth and sixth speakers respectively.

Eric Clarke and Kathy Martinez participated in the U.S. “Daring Debates” on the role of democracy in action to fight climate change.

Several teams reached elimination rounds of the Wayne State tournament.

Ethan Greer, along with Nile Blass of the Philodemic Society, received top honors with their submission to An Exploration of Confederate Memorialization in the Southern United States, an Intercollegiate Advocacy and Dialogue Competition co-hosted by Emory University, Vanderbilt University, and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights.

On the whole, Georgetown Debate had a strong first semester and we’re looking forward to the next term, beginning with a tournament co-hosted with CSU-Fullerton in January.